Sunday, October 8, 2017

Let Sleeping Dogs...

As far as I know there are two camps of dog caregivers (dare I say owners...there's another ethical argument with that concept).  One camp is strongly against dogs sleeping with their caregivers and the other is all over that like white on rice.

After purchasing a king sized bed, along with the Japanese style panel bed frame that is just low enough for Pete to jump on, I am siding with the sleep-with-your-dog camp.  In fact, just last week, Pete and I shared a pillow. fricking cute and dysfunctional at the same time.

I don't care what people say, it's worth the kicking and squirming and snorting and snotting just to feel that little warm body literally attached to mine (but it is important to note that he stays on top of the covers...I'm not some icky pug perve.....just to be clear.

That's all I got.


Ode to the Bully Stick

What can keep Pete occupied for the entire duration of my workout? What, when he appears to have no energy, can wake him up and generate a firestorm of excitement and desperation? What, when chewed up and gooey, can stink up the room and promote the dry heaves just by looking at it?

Answer:  The Bully Stick (a.k.a. a bull's penis)

This brilliant invention in canine entertainment was born, I am sure, from the meat industry.  I can just imagine the talk around the slaughter house, "Hey, Bob! What do you want to do with these bull's penises?"  Who knew they would make such amazing chew toys for woman's best friend?

It's a gross thought and it's an even grosser image, but if it makes my Pete happy, I'll put up with the little bits of chewed connective tissue lying around the house.

What my bebe wants, my bebe gets.

That's all I got..