Saturday, July 23, 2016

Snoring that Wakes the Dead

One of the many suggestions I have for potential (or current) pug owners is the importance of earplugs should you sleep in the same room as pug (and you value your sleep). Pugs snore, heave, jerk, and rattle the bed...providing they are on it.  Pete sleeps in his own bed at times and with me when my husband travels.  Without the ear plugs, I don't know how I would get a full night's sleep.

I do believe the snoring pug is common due to the fact (yet again) that they belong to the brachiocephalic family of dogs.  At times Pete is so loud we can't hear the TV or he startles the family by the sheer volume and physical intensity of each breath.  At times, he sleeps soundly without a peep, but there is no doubt that should you decide to share your life with a pug, you will be exposed to a level of snoring you have yet to experience. should be so lucky!

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